hotmart club - hotmart's members area


Hotmart Club – The easiest way to create a Members Area and sell a lot more

Learn more about Hotmart Club: completely free, unlimited Members Area for you to host your online course and sell a lot more, to the whole world!


02/22/2016 | By

What will we see in this post

Hotmart is always working to develop tools that ensure more promptness, organization, and, of course, lots more sales for its Producers and Affiliates.

The launch of Hotmart Club is another proof of this commitment.

We are proud to have created a free members area, unlimited, prepared to increase your sales and automatically deliver your content. Without a subscription fee, monthly payments, and complicated integrations.

That’s right!

Hotmart Club is completely integrated to Hotmart, which means that the product is delivered automatically right after the purchase.

A lot more sales

With Hotmart Club you can increase your sales: generate leads with free modules, make a sample of your course available, create offer coupons, and sell extra content with just a click.

This is how it works: if you have a course or training on Hotmart Club, you can register extra content, such as an ebook, and sell it with just a click for people who are already your students.

For those who teach and for those who learn

Developed to be responsive on any device, Club is also customizable and, therefore, it allows you to choose your domain, keep the page with your colors and your brand, besides setting the delivery date of the content, which can have different formats.

The Members Area from Hotmart is unlimited in the number of members and the amount of registered content. And it is prepared for you to organize your lessons in modules, offer extra material for download, and create a quiz to test the progress of your students.

You can also issue a certificate so that your students may prove they’ve participated and finished your course.

Everything is very fast and uncomplicated, both for the seller and the buyer!

Access and sales Control

Hotmart Club allows the integration with Google Analytics so that you can get a great deal of information about the access and navigation flow of your students.

You can also make a complete list of your students, check how many people have already bought your product, search for a specific member and import a document with general information about all of those who are following your course.

You can still check all information related to the sales of your product and track your results filtering per day, month, or a specific period.

Affiliates Program

Hotmart’s Affiliates Program has thousands of able professionals to promote your course and allow your content to reach more and more people. You set the amount of the commission for every sale and you can also choose which partners will help you with the distribution.

Click here and learn more about the Affiliates Program!

International Payments

On Hotmart you can receive payments in any currency in the world!

With HotPay, Hotmart’s exclusive payments system, it’s possible to sell your products to any person in the world, regardless of the currency she uses to make the payment. You can even create a members area in other languages to increase your reach and make more sales.

Click here to know all about HotPay!

Hotmart Club gathers every opportunity for your business in one single place!

Aiming to provide a complete experience on any device, Club’s interface is 100% mobile-friendly and ensures a complete browsing experience, without reductions.

This way, you provide more flexibility for people who access your area from anywhere at any time.

Find out all the amazing features Hotmart Club has to offer by clicking here!

In case there are any questions, access Club’s Help Center or get in touch with our support.